Saturday, October 27, 2012

Starving Artist

One of my art projects ...
Yes, I've been playing in the paints.  Just thought I'd share one of my "starving artist" watercolors with you.  It's fun to become one with the water and paints, and just get lost in a painting no matter how it turns out (I won't quit my day job).  :-)  This is as original as it gets today.  Speaking of original material, I've been wondering about Pinterest.  Earlier today while on Pinterest, I noticed a button to "embed pin in your blog."  I've always been leery of posting any photo, etc. that I haven't taken myself on my blog, but there are some really amazing photos on Pinterest that I'd love to use from time to time.  After noticing the "embed ..." button, I did a little test embed on on "Daylily Soup" earlier, and took note that when the photo is embedded on the blog, it does credit the site and original author, etc.  Just curious, have any of you used Pinterest photos on your blog (seems like it should be o.k.), and do you know what the guidelines are or do you have any advice?

Thanks for stopping by! 



  1. Hi Beth, that is a wonderful painting, I love it, you have a lot of talent.

    Be careful with Pinterest do your research, there has been a lot of problems with blogging, and Pinterest photos used on blogs.

    There was a blogger that was sued for using a photographer's images on her blog, but I think she might have gotten them off of the internet, she credited, and even removed them immediatly..but he still sued her.

    Ask a Blogger with a large following how they use the Pinterest photos..see if they can tell you what they do.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

    1. Thank you for the nice compliment, Jen. I wish I had more time to paint.

      Thank you for your advice about Pinterest. I was afraid of being sued. What a nightmare that would be! I'll stick to my original material.

      I may ask The Pioneer Woman just out of curiosity how she handles that sort of thing. Hopefully, she or her staff will have time to respond.

      All the best! :-)

    2. P.S. Jen, I don't see a need to ask anyone but you. You have 447 followers ... the Pinterest case is closed! Thanks again for your advice. :-)

  2. It's beautiful work, Beth. Very nice.

    I have a Pinterest button on my blog, but it's just a Follow Me button. I don't use Pinterest photos on my blog. Pinterest is a giant law suite waiting to happen. Many users just go around the Web willy nilly and "Pin" photos without proper attribution. It's teeters on the edge of copyright law because of the photo size. Users are supposed to add their own copy to the blurb along with clear attributions to the "original" photographer, but so many don't.

    I have photos on there that I attributed correctly in my blog, but the pinned versions attributes them to me, not the original photographer. It's a very messy system.

    1. Thank you for the very nice compliment, Lorraine! :-) Hopefully, I'll be able to find time to paint again soon.

      Regarding Pinterest, I certainly am glad I asked the advice of my blogger friends. It is so tempting to use one of those lovely photos from time to time. Thank you so much for your advice. Wow! I didn't realize how messy the Pinterist system is. I'll be careful. Thanks again.

      So glad you stopped by. :-)

  3. Have a quick look online with the search terms "Pinterest and copyright". You'll be amazed. Have a great rest of evening.

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! I appreciate all of your help. I will definitely use my original material on Daylily Soup. Using a photo via Pinterest is just not worth it. Thanks again.

      All the best! :-)

  4. Amazing paintings Beth - I love what I see - do some more! x

    1. Thank you for the very nice compliment, Annabelle. :-) I am going to make more time in my life to paint.

      All the best! xx

  5. I love your sunflower painting - there's much energy and vibrance there.

    Once I was googling on quisqalis indica when I chance upon my own image in Pinterest which was exactly the same one as in my blog. I noticed they gave me acknowledgement so I let it pass, as like what was mentioned above it's just too messy to sort things out.

    1. Thank you for the very nice compliment, Stiletto. :-)

      Thank you for insight into Pinterest. I will leave it alone ... no need to invite trouble into one's life.

      All the best! :-)

  6. Hi Beth, I am pleased to nominate you for a Beautiful Blogger Award because I love your new but interesting blog! To accept all you have to do is tell us 7 things about yourself and nominate 15 other bloggers. You can find the BBA thumbnail on my blog for posting it on yours. Regards, STilleTTo

    1. Why, thank you very much, Stiletto. I am truly honored that you nominated Daylily Soup for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Oh, I think my head is swelling ... (going to be trouble fitting this head through the doorway). Thank you again for this, and for making my day sparkle. :-)

  7. Oh, your painting is gorgeous! You have a lot of talent. I read the comments here about Pinterest, and learned a lot. I didn't know much about it, and the comments really opened my eyes! Thanks for asking the question!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Holley. So glad you liked my painting. I certainly learned a lot about Pinterest too beware. Happy gardening! :-)
