Saturday, October 5, 2013

Water Witches, Devil's Needles and Hobgoblin Flies, Oh My!

 Since we've either walked willingly, tumbled or been shoved through the doors of October with Halloween now upon us, I was inspired to write a post about some of my favorite garden visitors.  Known in different parts of the world as "Water Witches," "Devil's Needles" and "Hobgoblin Flies," dragonflies never cease to amaze with their stellar aviation skills, tissue paper wings and jeweled, colorful bodies.  Although some see them as a bit spooky, they are considered holy creatures in many parts of the world as well. 

Lately, I was lucky enough to get a striking green "Water Witch," and a lovely azure "Hobgoblin Fly" to pose for a photo shoot.  Here are the local spooks:

Water Witch
Hobgoblin Fly

I do hope all of the "Water Witches," "Hobgoblin Flies" and "Devil's Needles" will stay around to decorate my garden for Halloween!  Should  they cause any mischief, I still have my blue glass bottles out in the garden turned upside down on garden stakes to catch any misbehaving spirits (according to old garden lore). 

"We're all only fragile threads, but what a tapestry we make."
-Jerry Ellis


  1. Oh my gosh, what lovely shots. Dragonfly's are my most favorite insect, I have many items with that motif on it...they have a firm place in my heart.


    1. Thank you, Jen! I couldn't believe those two actually allowed photos. We have our love of dragonflies in common. I'm partial to them over butterflies (let's not tell the butterflies). Wish you could see the swarm of dragonflies currently hovering over my garden. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  2. Beautiful photos! I must admit I have never sen any in my garden, but there is no open water for miles so that might be the explanation.

    Loved your quote, I found this the other day which I thought was sweet:
    "An optimistic gardener is one who believes that whatever goes down must come up."

    1. Thank you, Helene (my new b'day camera and I are slowly getting to know each other). So sorry you don't have dragonflies there, but I know you have other special London creatures there. We have a swarm of dragonflies currently hovering over the garden (common this time of year). Love the quote you shared, and it is so very true. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  3. You obviously have a fine habitat for dragonflies, which I'm told not only get worshipped but credited for letting us know the nearby water is good quality. Even without any of this, their beauty makes them incredible prizes. Lucky you.

    1. We do have the perfect habitat for dragonflies, alligators and daylilies, Lee. Wow! I didn't know dragonflies are indicators of good quality water, but that makes sense since they spend the first part of their life underwater. I do feel very lucky to have them around, especially right now with a swarm of them hovering over the garden. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  4. I just love dragonflies. I like to think of them as the symbol of rebirth and immortality. I even have a dragonfly brooch that I wear on my shoulder sometimes. Both of yours are beautiful. Great photos of them against the white rock.

    1. I'll bet your brooch is beautiful, Holley. I must be on the look out for a piece of dragonfly jewelry. Thank you for your kind words regarding my photos. So glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by.! :-)
