Sunday, December 30, 2012

'Flower Child'

Hey Friends,

I know I've been missing for a while, so I hope you've all been doing well.  I've been trying to keep up with your blogs while in holiday mode.  Soon, all will return to normal.  Even though the holidays can be fun, I think there's something to be said for normalcy.  Now that I've escaped to the computer for a moment of solitude with a nice cup of green tea infused with spearmint and lemongrass (trying to have a Zen moment), I'd like to share something very exciting with you.  The first new bloom of an orchid under my care has been witnessed!  Yes!  It's true!  Here it is:

This is so exciting!

This particular orchid is present for all of our meals at the table, so she has ended up being named 'Flower Child' (FC).   I moved her closer to the china cabinet (should really just call it my teapot cabinet) :-) hoping to find a place FC might look more at home in, but it's back to the middle of the table with her for now. 

FC started out as a moderately sized centerpiece, but now she floats high above the table. Above is my view while seated.  Time spent at the table is even a little more special now. However, if FC taps me on the shoulder while I'm elsewhere in the room, it will be time for a pruning.  Yes, I just threatened a dreaded pruning if things get dangerous!  ;-)  

Oh, please excuse the bougainvillea in the background.  She just moved in for the winter, and is in dire need of a trip to the salon.

'Flower Child' in all her glory (taken last night before the bloom opened). 

Hope you all have a lovely week.  Until next time, keep on shining friends! :-)


  1. It must be so exciting to have your Phalaepnopsis (Flower Child) bloom. The images tell of a warm cozy home. Happy new Year!

    1. Hi Stiletto. Yes, it's very excited to have the first bloom in my history of orchids. lol I'm so glad you enjoyed the images. Happy New Year to you too! :-)

  2. What a charmer! Lovely photos. Phalaepnopsis’ are great orchids to grow, I have 6 on my kitchen window sill, they all flower regularly and some of them are 7-8 years old. I just wish I could grow orchids outdoors, but London hasn’t really the right climate for that!
    Good to see you back again, I have been looking for you, happy New Year!
    Take care, Helene.

    1. Hi Helene.

      Oh, thank you. I'm quite impressed with the charming, statuesque FC, myself. I'd love to have orchids on my kitchen window sill. I'll bet yours are gorgeous. I hope to see a post on your kitchen orchids sometime. I have a spot in my kitchen that has already been designated for orchids, but it will require a stand for them (still searching for just the right stand). We don't have the right climate for orchids to grow outdoors either. However, the high humidity here in Alabama is great for them. I only have Phaleonopsis so far, but will probably try a Cattleya soon.

      Thank you! It's good to be back. So glad you stopped by. Happy New Year to you too (may we both have a more healthful 2013). :-)


  3. How wonderful to have FC in bloom! She is beautiful, and obviously very special since she's named! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Holley. I'm still in amazement! Yes, this one is very special. I love FC's elegant form. The fact that one has now grown new buds and one of them has bloomed under my care will only fuel this new addiction. lol So glad you stopped by. Happy New Year to you too! :-)

  4. She is absolutely beautiful. They are the most rewarding of plants aren't they?

    Happy New Year.


    1. Thank you, Jen. Yes, they are the MOST rewarding during the fall and winter months. I don't know why I waited so long. Orchids definitely bridge the normally bloomless gap around here. Happy New Year to you too! :-)

  5. Beth, Flower Child is a real beauty, you must be so proud! Wishing you peace and happiness for 2013 :)

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. Yes, I am proud to see this new bloom under my care. I didn't know if I'd ever see this happen. So glad you stopped by. Wishing you peace and happiness for 2013, too. :-)

  6. Rejoice! Rejoice! A bud is born. Now...question for you...I am now designing my own range of floral digital stamps and wondered if I could use one (or two, maybe three...) of your gorgeous photo's to create an image which I will then name in your honour?
    Happy New Year my lovely friend xx

    1. Yes, I am still rejoicing, Jane. It's yippee time around here. The answer is yes! I'd love for you to use some of my photos for your floral digital stamps (such a compliment), and flattered you're going to name them in my honor. I can't wait to see your new stamps!
      Happy New Year to you, my lovlier friend! xx

  7. Hi Beth, What a gorgeous bloom. I must try orchids again - been given three in the past but all died.
    Regarding your new styling - cannot fit on the page with Internet Explorer - can only see the text and pics and no sidebars - will make it difficult to view (what did you do?)

    1. Hi Annabelle,

      Glad you enjoyed the bloom. I'll bet if you try again with orchids, you'll have success. I've killed quite a few in the past as well.

      Well, I haven't made any changes lately to the blog layout, but I'll take a look and figure out how to remedy this. You should be able to see green around the edges ... thanks for letting me know about this.

      So glad you stopped by, my friend. xx

  8. Happy new year, Beth and congratulations - Flower Child is beautiful!

    Trips to the salon for Bougainvillea? How well you treat your plants - no wonder FC looks so happy!

    1. Thank you and Happy New Year to you! So glad you enjoyed the images of Flower Child.

      LOL ... the Bougainvillea is certainly in dire need of a trip to a salon. Yes, there are spoiled plants around here! :-)

      I'm so glad you stopped by! :-)
