Thursday, March 15, 2012


Yellow and White Honeysuckle
 Honeysuckle is my other garden perfume besides confederate jasmine and tea olive.  I have this planted on the corner of a fence with my non fragrant carolina jasmine.  I can almost smell the honeysuckle when I look at this picture.  I'm not sure what kind I have because I grew mine from a cutting from a wild honeysuckle bush.  Whatever it is, I have a very tough species because it survives our scorching Alabama summers with very little extra care!  I know of very few plants that can do that unless they are in the succulent/cactus family!  Did you know that honeysuckle nectar is used in herbal cough medicines?  Another plus is that hummingbirds love it!  I have only seen one hummingbird so far.  I heard whirring in the air and turned around to see a male ruby throated hummingbird hovering right behind me.  He was such a dark grey that he was almost black with a brilliant ruby throat.  This one must have just been passing through because I haven't seen him since.  I had to name him of course, since he was the first one this year ... he looked like a "Sebastian." :-)

All about honeysuckle.

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