Monday, March 26, 2012

Lowe's Garden Center (again) and Carrabba's

A trip was made to the Garden Center once again where I found more herbs and flowers.  This time I ended up with:

The Coveted Marjoram
Now that I finally found the marjoram, I 'm set to make spaghetti sauce with only fresh herbs.  I found the oregano and basil previously, but searched high and low before finally finding the marjoram.  I was lucky!  The plant I found was not doing well due to lack of water.  I knew I better get this pitiful plant anyway, so I put it in the cart and immediately headed for the fountain area.  Then, I inconspicuously (at least I thought so) held this thirsty (to put it mildly) plant under the trickle of a fountain for resuscitation purposes. I was desperate and so was the marjoram!

English Lavender
I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but I just had to have this one.  Do you have any ideas?

Cherry Tomato
I love to put these in salads or just eat them as a snack.  Don't they smell great?

Heirloom Brandywine Tomato
Haven't tried this one before so this should be interesting.  The picture is pretty on the tag.  There is also a Homestead tomato in the mix, but it didn't photograph well.

Mammoth Jalapeno Peppers
I can't wait to see these.  They are supposed to grow to approximately four inches in length.  I'll use these for salsa, guacamole and armadillo eggs.  I'll be sure to post my recipes when I use these. :-)

Now, for the blooms:

Dwarf Coreopsis
Bloomin' Doormat
Carrabba's Insalata Johnny Rocco
The perfect end to a lovely day.  We were able to sit outside and enjoy the weather.  I had the Insalata Johnny Rocco which was delicious.  It is a bed of mixed greens topped with roasted red peppers, olives, grilled shrimp and scallops, ricotta and vinaigrette.  Of course, there was a glass of chardonnay to go with it (no headache this time :-).

1 comment:

  1. Next weekend is traditionally the beginning of the sowing season in UK and garden centres are full of families on their Easter break. I try to visit before as the crowds are impossible. Love your herb buys - I grow my own mostly from seed - although not great success for parsley but it has worked this year and is just now breaking ground.
