Saturday, December 28, 2013

'Tis the Season for Orchids!

Just a note to wish you all a very happy new year!  May 2014 be our best new year yet!  There will be lots of big changes in our lives here at the Daylily Soup garden in 2014, so I hope you'll stop by often to see what's going on.  I've certainly enjoyed your visits, comments and friendship in 2013.

For now, I'd like to leave you with these beautiful buds and blossoms from two of the resident orchids.  'Tis the season for orchid blooms around our home!  By the way, I found a great tried and true mail order source should you need a fix. ;-) You may have to wait a bit for a shipment now as it's too cold to ship currently.  Here's the link:

Until next time, let's keep on shining!  
See you in 2014. :-)


  1. Health, happiness and prosperity on you in 2014 Beth. Cheers!

    1. Thank you, Lee! Health, happiness and prosperity back on you too in 2014. All the best to you! :-)

  2. Lovely orchids, I can’t get enough of them. I have one already in bloom and 2 with buds soon to pop open. I hope the rest will follow soon. I am curious to what changes you are doing in 2014, will come back and see – happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Helene! I can't get enough of orchids either (a powerful addiction, indeed). I have three blooming just lately, one getting ready bloom, one that just developed a new spike (yippee), and several that are "resting." Orchids are simply fabulous, aren't they? It's going to be quite a year (probably a bit of a whirlwind). I will say I've enjoyed learning about your fabulous garden, which doesn't require a lot of space. Lessons learned about your "postage stamp" garden will come in very handy for me in the future. So glad you stopped by, and I look forward to your future visits. Happy New Year to you too! May we have our best new year yet! :-)

  3. I'm totally fascinated by orchids. My dream is to someday have an orchid wall -- terra cotta pots filled with orchids and displayed on the side of the house. Someday . . .

    Have a wonderful 2014!

    1. I think your orchid wall dream sounds heavenly, Kevin! I look forward to posts about it someday. You could fill your fabulous garden shed with them too (now I'm just trying to be a bad influence). :-) May you have a wonderful 2014 as well! So glad you stopped by. :-)

  4. Hi Beth, your orchids are utterly beautiful! My two cymbidium orchids (grown outdoors) have set buds and I can't wait to see them opening! Happy New Year to you. Hopefully it will be a good one for the garden as well!

    1. Hi Christina, Thank you. The orchids bring me much joy. Isn't it exciting when they set buds? I hope you'll post photos of your cymbidiums when they bloom. I'd love to see them. I only have phaleonopsis so far, but would like to branch out to other types in the future. Happy New year to you and to our gardens. So glad you stopped by. :-)

  5. What a beautiful orchid you have.
    Look forward to seeing what changes you are doing this year!

    1. Thank you, Keity! The orchids bring me lots of joy. There will no lack of post material with all the changes that will take place around here this year. So glad you stopped by. All the best! :-)

  6. What gorgeous flowers. Orchids are so fascinating aren't they? Happy New Year.xx

    1. Thank you, Serendipity! Yes, orchids are quite fascinating to me as well. They "take me away" to some faraway exotic place (if only in my mind). So glad you stopped by. All the best! xx

  7. You have a very good collection of lovely Phalenopsis. Happy New Year and I'm sorry for being a bit late as I was away in China during this new year period.
