Saturday, October 27, 2012

Starving Artist

One of my art projects ...
Yes, I've been playing in the paints.  Just thought I'd share one of my "starving artist" watercolors with you.  It's fun to become one with the water and paints, and just get lost in a painting no matter how it turns out (I won't quit my day job).  :-)  This is as original as it gets today.  Speaking of original material, I've been wondering about Pinterest.  Earlier today while on Pinterest, I noticed a button to "embed pin in your blog."  I've always been leery of posting any photo, etc. that I haven't taken myself on my blog, but there are some really amazing photos on Pinterest that I'd love to use from time to time.  After noticing the "embed ..." button, I did a little test embed on on "Daylily Soup" earlier, and took note that when the photo is embedded on the blog, it does credit the site and original author, etc.  Just curious, have any of you used Pinterest photos on your blog (seems like it should be o.k.), and do you know what the guidelines are or do you have any advice?

Thanks for stopping by! 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wayward Orchids!

My fever is a high one!  
It may be impairing my judgement ...

That's how I roll ... ;-)
More wayward orchids! 
Oh, my goodness!
They are equally as sneaky as daylilies!  
What have I done?  It's too late now.  
I'm in the throes of Orchiditis as 
Jen at Muddy Boot Dreams diagnosed it.

Sneaky,Wayward Orchid Close-up
Here's one that just hopped in the back seat on Friday while at the garden center.  Pay no attention to the box in the background.  This is the type of thing that happens when one has Orchiditis.  The victim is so consumed with the orchids, where to put them, how to care for them, how to keep them out of mischief, etc., that all else is temporarily thrown to the wind.  I realize that orchids are totally different creatures than I've dealt with in the past, so I just read Orchids Made Easy written by Ryan Levesque, which was recommended to me by my dear cousin, Georgene.   This book is packed with great information, so I want to share one of the cool tips I learned that would probably work on any houseplant.  Did you know that mayonnaise mixed with a little water, will remove water spots when wiped on orchid leaves?  Well, I'm off to catch up on all of the things that piled up this weekend while I played with the orchids.

Now that you know what I did this weekend, 
what did you do? 
I'd love to hear about it.

Hope you have a great week!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I think I have a fever ...

 It all began with a trip to The Fresh Market a couple of weeks ago.  Greeting me at the door was this stand of beckoning orchids which I was immediately agog over.  I oohed and ahhhhed over each one of them, but somehow I managed to leave the store without adopting one.

Yes, they had this magical glow with heavenly light shining down on them from above ...
  The story isn't over ...

Land of the 'Lady Slippers'
 So, last weekend, I went to visit my son.  Somehow (I have no idea how this happened and had nothing to do with it), we ended up at a garden center where I just had to browse the orchid selection.  It would be against my religion to leave the garden center without at least looking at the orchids!  There was quite a group of 'Lady Slippers' there.

I do believe he is smiling at me ...
Just look at the face on this one!  By now, I'm repeating to myself "you will be strong, you will be strong ..."  I was doing this silently, of course, because people would stare otherwise.

"Are we almost there yet?" she says ...
Well, as soon as I got into the Sequoia to leave, look who jumped into the back seat.  Orchids are sneaky!  They'll just follow you out of the garden center and jump into the back seat.

Right at home ...
Now I have found myself looking at orchid pots online to repot the currently dormant orchids I have.  I've also been looking at potting medium, fertilizer and a lovely stand that will hold several orchids!

I think I have a fever ...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just when I thought it was over ...

Just when I announced the close of daylily season in The Daylily Soup Garden, look who crept underneath the closed curtain and ran out on the stage!  Needless to say, I was totally amazed and delighted when I noticed this lady in red out in the garden on Saturday morning.  Sadly, she only made one appearance even though there were plenty of buds.  The nights are just a little too cool now to suit the daylilies.  Without further adieu, I present the last performer of the season (I'm sure this time ... positive, really).

Smile for the camera ...
Posing ...
Until next time ...


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fairy Dust Moments

If I could blog shortly after awakening, Daylily Soup would be amazingly different.  I have the best ideas either in the middle of the night or upon awakening in the morning; in those fairy dust moments while crossing the bridge between sleep and consciousness.

Fairy Dust Moments
From now on, I plan to capture those thoughts on paper at the moment of their first appearance as if butterflies in a net.  Let me clarify, a "net" will only be used for my fairy dust thoughts.  No nets are ever used on butterflies in The Daylily Soup Garden.  So, get ready friends, for snippets from fairy dust moments.  New material is needed while the daylilies are on hiatus anyway.  I know you're wondering about all of my "fairy dust moment" business, so here's my disclaimer:  I only drink the occasional glass of wine (no recreational drugs).  This is just me.

When do you have your best ideas?   
When do you do your best writing?  

I'd love to know ...

Thanks for stopping by. :-)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October's Party

I’d like to share one of my favorite poems, “October’s Party,” written by George Cooper with you.  Please do take a look if you have a moment.  Click here (a lovely blog I stumbled across) to attend “October’s Party.”

Honey Crisp Apples - October Party Refreshments :-)
Well, October is throwing quite the festive party here, which I’ve decided to attend "with bells on."  I used to boycott October's party each year.  I was too busy sulking over the departure of most flowers to attend, but over time, I’ve learned to love autumn.  I now realize our gardens and us gardeners need time to recharge.  Autumn and spring are actually now tied for first place as my favorite season.  I don’t know why it took me so long to embrace autumn.  I’m a September Libra so my celestial composition is certainly most in sync with autumn.  Also in sync with autumn, is my love of boots, cozy sweaters, pumpkin pie and a nip in the air.  This year, I’ll be joining "The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples" on the dance floor.  Ohhh, what shall I wear?

Until next time, I'll leave you with one last daylily bloom from The Daylily Soup Garden.  Daylily bloom season officially ceased here two days ago.  What a season it’s been!

Inherited Beauty
What’s your favorite season?  What do you love about it?  I'd like to know.

Hope you’re having a great week! :-)