Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wayward Orchids!

My fever is a high one!  
It may be impairing my judgement ...

That's how I roll ... ;-)
More wayward orchids! 
Oh, my goodness!
They are equally as sneaky as daylilies!  
What have I done?  It's too late now.  
I'm in the throes of Orchiditis as 
Jen at Muddy Boot Dreams diagnosed it.

Sneaky,Wayward Orchid Close-up
Here's one that just hopped in the back seat on Friday while at the garden center.  Pay no attention to the box in the background.  This is the type of thing that happens when one has Orchiditis.  The victim is so consumed with the orchids, where to put them, how to care for them, how to keep them out of mischief, etc., that all else is temporarily thrown to the wind.  I realize that orchids are totally different creatures than I've dealt with in the past, so I just read Orchids Made Easy written by Ryan Levesque, which was recommended to me by my dear cousin, Georgene.   This book is packed with great information, so I want to share one of the cool tips I learned that would probably work on any houseplant.  Did you know that mayonnaise mixed with a little water, will remove water spots when wiped on orchid leaves?  Well, I'm off to catch up on all of the things that piled up this weekend while I played with the orchids.

Now that you know what I did this weekend, 
what did you do? 
I'd love to hear about it.

Hope you have a great week!


  1. Darn, I wish you lived closer, I had some orphans that needed a good does of your Orchiditis....

    I hope that they have found a good home, ahem, like the 4? in your backseat? LOL.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

    1. Hi Jen, I wish I lived closer too. Those orphans and I would be good friends by now. Yes, there were four of those street urchins in the back seat (you have a keen eye). LOL

  2. Aha, gotcha you. Diagnosis of acute orchiditis confirmed. Let's see whether this malady will turn chronic :)

    1. Hi Stiletto, I believe this malady is quickly turning chronic. The orchids are starting to take over part of the house! :-)

  3. Oh do suffer for your passions!
    I wish you lived nearer as I gave away all my orchids during the summer. My top tip is grow in a clear pot, put in a short glass vase with a few pebbles in & keep a small amount of water in the vase for humidity around the roots. Chuck outside on warm, drizzly days. I'd had mine for years and to be honest I'd got bored with them flowering their heads off all year long...isn't that awful!! I wanted to look at something else for a change so gave them away. They're dead easy to keep...tough as old boots, but prettier xx

    1. Hi Jane, I wish I lived nearer too. I would have gladly adopted your orchids. Thank you for the great advice, which I plan to put to good use. I hope I have a knack with orchids as you did, and mine bloom their little heads off too. :-) I'll keep you posted. Glad to see you back. xx
