Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daylily Soup Bed & Breakfast

Well, it's the annual flight of the ladybugs at the Daylily Soup Bed & Breakfast.  Yesterday, I'd just finished cleaning the house and making things look presentable (housework ... I'd rather be gardening), when I noticed a huge swarm of ladybugs all over the front porch.  Believe me, this is not nearly as cute as it sounds.  Each year, they swarm the front porch, and proceed to check in for bed and breakfast right at the front door.  Immediately following check-in, the annual ladybug convention gathers in the foyer for drinks and hors d'oeuvres, proceeds to climb all over the light fixture, lamps, etc. and are just generally unruly.

House Guest
I've done some research on this, and have discovered ladybugs totally take over some homes each year to the point of covering the ceiling, getting in the the kitchen and food, and getting all over the furniture, etc.  Luckily, we haven't been besieged to that degree, but we've still ended up with somewhere between 100 - 200 in the foyer within a short amount of time.  According to my research, it seems ladybugs prefer light colored homes (ours is white), and they spread their pheromones once they find one they like.  This way, future generations will be able to find their way back to the chosen bed and breakfast year after year after year.  The ladybugs' intentions are to hibernate here.  They are a couple of weeks early this year.  Normally, my little winged guests arrive just in time for Thanksgiving.  I have one big question.  Since ladybugs eat thrips, where ON EARTH were they when I was battling the thrips in the daylily patch all summer?  Where?

I'm off to send my unwanted house guests packing ...

Hope you all have a great week! :-)

"Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home ..."


  1. Ladybugs ain't no ladies. Stay strong, Beth.

    1. I agree, Lee. They certainly aren't ladies! So far, the ladybugs are persevering. The battle continues!

      So glad you stopped by. :-)

  2. I still find them cute inspite of their seige mentality. I just shot a spotted ladybug in my garden. I have the same question too about their presence when most needed. Probably there is a surplus of grub for them to consume.

    1. I agree, Stiletto, they are cute out in the garden. I look forward to seeing your ladybug photo on your lovely blog.

      Happy gardening! :-)

    2. Ladybugs generally do not enter my household,so there is no bad blood between us. In fact I've already documented some of their escapades in a post in May this year. Here is the link;

  3. Never seen these though we do have similar ladybirds in UK - lucky if we see two a year - never indoors. How awful to have any bugs inside.

    1. I agree, Annabelle. It is awful to have any bugs inside. It only takes about 30 minutes for somewhere between 100 - 200 to enter. We think we found their little entrance (very small gap in the weather stripping). Anyway, they've been sent packing ... no ladybugs in the house now. :-)

      All the best! xx

  4. I had tons of them for a couple years now.....not hardy any I miss them

    1. I love them in the garden ... just not crazy about them a house guests. I'll try to send some of them packing to your garden next year when the annual swarm occurs.
      Thanks for stopping by. :-)
