Saturday, May 19, 2012


These are a few blooms I managed to snap on my way in and out this past week (it was a hectic week).  I always manage to make a detour through the garden, and right around the main daylily bed on my way out the door to work no matter how hectic things get.  It only takes a minute. :-)

Sebastian the Crab
Mount Herman Giant
It's taken three years for this one to settle in.  It produced an outstanding bloom just in time because 'Mount Herman Giant' was going to give up it's place of honor (the front row) this year, since I've been so disappointed.  The day after I spoke of this dayliliy's demise while standing over it, this beautiful, large, perfectly formed bloom appeared.  I guess it gets to stay now.  Sometimes threats do the trick ... lol.

Don Juan Climbing Rose
Don Juan is not going to disappoint.  
This red, red rose was added to the garden in April, and just look at this stunning bloom already!  
I'm amazed!

Webster's Pink Wonder
This daylily is really a star in the garden, but the "star" quality seems to be rather elusive in photos. 
I'll keep trying.

Apple Tart
Who says mushrooms have to grow in the dark?  These are growing in a pot with my bougainvillea tree.  They are on a sun drenched deck with little water - sun loving, drought tolerant mushrooms.

Herb Garden
 This section of the herb garden is filling out nicely.  The herb garden now includes: cilantro, sweet basil, oregano, chives, rosemary, lemon thyme, German thyme, marjoram, pineapple sage, society garlic (is this really edible?).  Oh, there's my blue "gazing bottle" tucked in between the black and blue salvia, the pineapple sage and the coreopsis.   So far, it's doing an excellent job of adding a cobalt blue pop of color as well as capturing any bad spirits that might be hanging around.

Thanks for stopping by and happy gardening! :-)


  1. Seb' the Crab is a real stunner Beth. You shouldn't have any bad spirits in your garden, it's beautiful xxx

    1. Thank you, Jane. This has been a great year for Sebastian. He's one of my favorites. My friend, Marjorie, who owns the local daylily farm recommended 'Sebastian the Crab' to me as he is one of her favorites too. I figured I couldn't go wrong if Marjorie recommended him. Thank you so much for the nice compliment about Sebastian and my garden (that means a lot coming from a friend with such a beautiful garden herself). xxx

  2. Making time for at least a quick look and a snap or a few as you go through the garden really is a good idea, one that helps make the day better. Good for you, Beth.

    1. Yes, I have to "stop and smell the roses" or daylilies in my case. I actually do have a few scented ones. I wear my flowered gardening boots out the door with office/work shoes in hand. :-)

  3. Your daylilies are stunning. And I love your herb garden! I've just started growing a few herbs this year. Maybe one day I'll have enough for a whole 'garden', too.

    1. Thank you for the very nice compliment, Holley. I certainly have enjoyed the daylilies and the herbs so far this year. The pineapple sage is amazing! It smells like a pineapple upside down cake. I'll bet you end up with a whole garden of herbs before you know it. :-)
