Sunday, July 8, 2012

Encore! Encore!

Friends, I have some very exciting news to share with you!  The Daylily Gods are shining down upon my garden!  A daylily encore performance to beat all others is going on.  Maybe, standing on the deck yelling “Encore,” “Encore!” helped a little bit (one of my "Lucille Ball" moments).  As I began to accept that the daylilies were slipping away for yet another year, to my surprise, scape after magical, bud laden scape began to appear.  Is there a daylily dance to correspond with the rain dance we all know of?  If so, please direct me to the nearest daylily dance studio ... I'm learning this one (no, I will not do this dance in front of the neighbors ... lol)!  Just wanted to show you the current performers, so let’s have a look:

'Orange Crush'

'Beautiful Edgings'

I don't know the name of this inherited beauty.

'Lemonberry Truffle'

I don't know the name of this inherited golden truffle.

Until next time,
Happy Gardening. :-)


  1. I would do the dance too!! Nothing better than rebloom on the daylilies. Like the bright orange on Orange Crush.
    Keep on dancing and shouting!!

    1. I agree, Cindy! A re-bloom is definitely worth dancing for. It's pouring here right now, so I may see even more new scapes soon! :-) I love that 'Orange Crush' too ... it started my addiction years ago. I'm off to dance and shout! LOL
      Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Beth, my daylilies are OK, but yours make music to dance to. C'mon, let's get out on the floor.

    2. Thank you, Lee. My daylilies are the gift that keeps on giving this year. Meet you on the daylily dance floor! :-)

  3. They are stunning Beth. We have no flowers in our garden only evergreen trees and vegetables and I keep realising just how sad that is ... we do have a few in pots but that is not the same thing. This year has been so wet that nothing would have survived anyway - it is still raining. I plan to take some photos once the rain stops - watch this space!

    1. Thank you, Annabelle. I'm sorry to hear you've had so much rain this summer. Here, we normally have the opposite problem; drought and parched earth to the point the soil looks like The Sahara Desert. However, this year we've had more rain than normal, but could still use a bit more. You and I need to trade sunshine for rain. I'm looking forward to seeing your upcoming photos. I'll keep on eye on Annabelle Serendipity.
      All the best! :-)

  4. I have daylily buds..but I don't think they'll compare to your crackers x

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Jane. I'll bet your daylily buds will be beautiful blooms. No matter what, you'll always have the gorgeous Mr. Titchmarsh, who I'm obsessed with (as you know). :-)
      All the best! x

  5. I'm totally in love with your dark beauty - the one which is a living legacy. It has such strong passionate colours.

    1. Thank you, Stiletto. I love my living legacy's striking colors too. Thanks for stopping by.

      All the best. :-)
