Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chit Chat

Yesterday, while out and about with Mr. DS, I spotted this treasure ...

a mesmerizing vase ... it beckoned me from across the department store.  I wandered helplessly toward the gleaming lovely as if it were a mirage in the desert.  "Wouldn't this be the perfect vessel for a lily?" I thought. Once I reached this sparkling treasure, I marveled over it for a while.  Then, I glanced at the price tag, which caused me to quickly "snap out of it" (approximately $650.00).  Price tags are no fun!  It's a treasure all right.  Oh well, the dream was fun while it lasted.

After this, we were off to

look at electronics.  I resisted the urge to set each Nook Tablet, i Pad and Kindle Fire I saw to Daylily Soup and leave them that way!  I don't know what came over me having such thoughts!  Good marketing scheme though ... don't you think?  I can just see the headlines:  "Daylily Soup Bandit" strikes again. ;-)

Don't you just love Starbucks?
Time for a little caffeine.

A front row seat (in the air conditioning) for a delightful, mini Fourth of July parade full of enthusiastic, patriotic children.  Lots of them were on stilts ... amazing! 

Then, I had to pick up a few "paints" for a blank canvas I just happen to have again.  Yes, most of the tall bearded irises had to go due to non performance.  They don't like the warm winters down here.  I did keep my prized 'Rip City' who never disappoints though. Here are the "paints":

'Red Rocks' Beard Tongue

'Garden Spice' Carnation

'Prairie Splendor' Coneflower

'Peacock Cherry Red' Phlox

Missing tag on this one ... think it's button flower.

'Prairie Sun' Black-Eyed Susan

Blank Canvas
I'll keep you posted on the "painting." I'm on vacation today and have already been working on this.  It required early morning gardening to beat the heat.  I require part shade and don't perform well in full sun or high temperatures (been hanging around with the shade loving plants too long). lol

'Halloween Magic'
And, finally, I'll leave you with a bloom 
from one of my encore performers in the daylily garden. 
There has turned out to be quite an encore this year.

Happy Gardening! :-)


  1. Beth, I hope you don't overdo your painting in the sun. Heat sickness just might steer you back to that pricey vase.

    1. That would be terrible if I had a heat stroke and bought that vase, wouldn't it, Lee? I could plead insanity. Now, there's an idea ... LOL

  2. Day lilies are among my favorite flowers so I have really enjoyed this post!

    1. Thank you, Jayne! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. I'm getting ready to fly over to visit jayneonweedstreet. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  3. That little purple flower is what we call Scabious - I can see why you were mesmerized by that vase - what a whopper.

    1. Thanks for the name of my mystery flower, Elaine. I try to pick plants that have their tags, but I must have still had the magic vase on my mind when I picked that one up. :-)

  4. HAHAHA!! I do the same thing in computer shops...leave them all with my gardening or card blog on're right...great marketing!!

    1. We're "birds of a feather," Jane. I knew it! LOL

  5. Beth - I so love the Halloween Magic. This week I attended one of London's biggest gardening shows and only saw one day-lily - perhaps our weather is not conducive to them? (I went on the only dry day for almost three months. We have had the wetest weather for 110 years! - And we still have a hose-pipe ban over much of the country!) Do look at blog for some lovely garden pics.

    1. Hi Annabelle, 'Halloween Magic' is one of my favorites ... glad you liked the pic. It has really surprised me this year. I didn't expect this one to be a re bloomer. I've been over to your lovely blog, and the garden photos are beautiful! I did notice the lone yellow daylily in one of the gardens. They do like lots of sun. Glad you were able to tour on a pretty day. Wishing you lots of sunshine in London. :-)
