Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bloom Hunting - Carolina Jasmine & Pear Blossom


Yippee!  The Carolina Jasmine and the pear tree are blooming today!  The pear tree went on strike last year, so maybe we'll actually have a few pears this year. :-)  The iris blooms shouldn't be far behind.  I'm trying to hurry the irises up.  I stop at their bed on my way in and out of the back door, and envision the blooms to be.  My family and the neighbors are used to my flower addiction, so they think nothing of seeing me standing by a barren flower bed deep in thought ... LOL.



  1. I have never seen Carolina Jasmine before - guess it is for hotter climes - it is truly beautiful - does it smell as our simple white jasmine does (these are only indoor pot plants here)? However, we do have a small yellow variety which flowers outdoors in mid summer (July). Pear trees we have in our garden - two - conference pears - not too delicious but good blooms. xx

  2. Thank you Annabelle. I've had this jasmine a long time. I planted it on the corner of a fence 12 years ago. My Carolina Jasmine is always the first to bloom in my garden. It isn't fragrant but I have a Confederate Jasmine( white)that has a heavenly fragrance. It usually blooms in April or May. The whole garden is perfumed when the Confederate Jasmine is blooming. xx

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