Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stargazer Lily

Another bloom from the past.  I'm still suffering through my "Spring Fever."  Although the Stargazers aren't daylilies, I still love them too.  They are very striking and do well in a vase.  It was 79 degrees here today, so hopefully the iris blooms are right around the corner.  Speaking of the weather, the heat and humidity today were the perfect mix for a "bad hair day" unless you're a lady wielding a flat/straightening iron ... one of the greatest beauty weapons ever! :-)


  1. We have stargazer lilies all year round in the supermarkets - often on the table in my kitchen. Regarding hair - my after chemo hair is wild and curly and it was poker straight before - I LOVE the mass of curls and do not understand this straightening lark. XX

  2. I wish we had Stargazers in the supermarkets here. I have a friend who underwent chemo, lost all of her hair, and her hair grew back curly too (it was straight before). She was amazed as well. I'm glad you're loving your curly locks. I should learn to do the same ... it would be a lot easier than this epic battle I have going on with my curls. :-) xx
