Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Atlanta Daylily Show 2012 - Blooms, Blooms, Blooms!

Before I get started with my trip back to yesterday, I have to mention the best part of my trip.  I got to meet one of my blogging friends in person who was in Atlanta judging the show!  Yes, I met Nikki, daylilian extraordinaire, who has a fabulous, charming daylily blog named A Girl and Her Garden.  It was such a joy to meet her.  Isn't blogging wonderful? :-)

Let's revisit my FUN day at The Atlanta Daylily Show.  As I walk up to the exhibition tables laden with approximately 360 entries, I'm getting that wonderful "kid in a candy store" feeling.

Carnival in Mexico
 On the wish list ...

Spin & Twirl
Spider Miracle
One the wish list ...

Just part of one of the exhibition tables!

Best of Show Table

 They drink only bottled water at this table, I guess. ;-)

 I didn't buy ... only looked ... really! :-)

Spiders, Spiders, Spiders
 I do love the spiders!

Lemon Lime Spider
Aerial View - Atlanta Daylily Show 2012
Another Aeriel View
What a field of daylilies!
Grand Old Flag
 Definitely on the wish list!  
The photo doesn't even do it justice;  
'Grand Old Flag' is even more beautiful than the photo!

 One last view of "The Candy Store."



  1. Wow! i was just looking out on to our front garden & we have 1 daylily plant, 3 flowers 7 just a simple plain yellow. In comparison to these beauties...well there is NO comparison. I never realied just how many varieties there are out there. Those yellow spider ones are amazing. Great photos xx

    1. I'm so glad to hear you have a daylily in the garden, Jane! They are all beautiful to me. Each has their own special quality, and I know yours must be a beauty too. I'd love to see it. Yes, there certainly are A LOT of different varieties. Rumor has it, there are over 55,000 registered cultivars in the American Hemerocallis Society database. There's no telling how many aren't even registered. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Oh, I love those yellow spiders too.

      Happy gardening. xx

  2. Hey, Beth, from your images that place looks like the Convention Center in my former hometown. I can't believe you didn't buy anything, but you're probably just preparing for a buying binge later.

    1. Hey, Lee, the show was at the Cobb Galleria Centre ... a beautiful place. I can't believe I didn't buy anything either. I would have definitely bought if any of the lovelies above newly added to my wish list had been for sale. I am definitely on the look out for Spider Miracle, Megatron (not pictured), Carnival in Mexico, Lemon Lime Spider & Grand Old Flag. I feel a buying binge coming on. :-)

    2. Happy binging, O Queen of the Lily.

    3. It WILL be happy! Oh, I love the fabulous new title you've bestowed upon me - feeling quite royal now. :-)
