Saturday, June 16, 2012


This pear tree has been on a "pearilous" slippery slope for the past couple of years.  It has been on strike until lately.  Just look at it now;  weighed down with pears galore!  It redeemed itself just in the nic of time for I'd already decided on its replacement.  Once again, patience and threats have paid off.  Do you have anything on strike in your garden?

I just noticed the hose posing in the background again!  I am starting to think it slithers around when I'm not looking. LOL

Pear Tree - Permanent Resident


  1. What a fine pear your have! Congratulations x

    1. Thank you, Jane. :-) This pear has been a challenge! x

  2. My pear tree has never borne fruit - two small ones formed this spring then disappeared - I have a good mind to get rid of it - maybe that will work, like it did on yours.

    1. I hope your thoughts of getting rid of it work, Elaine. For good measure, I'd talk about getting rid of the tree right in front of it. :-)

  3. Beth, threats are a tried and true formula for success. Glad they worked for you. And, you *do* have a fine pear. Enjoy the . . . fruits of your threats.

    1. Thank you, Lee. I am proud of the fine pear. I had no idea pear trees could be so moody! I'll be sure to enjoy the fruits of my threats. :-)

  4. It was well worth waiting for! I can't believe you discussed the removal of the tree in front of it.... poor pear. I hope you apologise to it every day and sing it happy "here to stay songs". I also hope that the fruit is as delicious as it looks!

    1. I do feel a little guilty for being so insensitive to the poor pear tree. I hope the fruit is delicious too. I'm off to apologize. :-) Thanks for stopping by!
