Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Cabbage in the Grass

Cabbage Patch
Granted, I'm not much of a vegetable gardener, but aren't we supposed to till before we plant?

Head of Cabbage
Apparently, we don't have to till the soil for certain vegetables.  Just look at this nice head of cabbage!  Some of you vegetable gardeners may already know of this type of gardening but I am personally amazed!  If you've ever seen or planted a cabbage patch in the grass, I'd love to hear about it.  Anyway, last week, I was on my way to the post office when I spotted this cabbage patch growing in the grass behind a produce market.  I think this must be the market owner's personal garden.  For some reason, I always thought we had to till and weed, etc. (all the unglamorous stuff).  Anyway, I just had to go back to take a look today.  By now, my husband was curious about this patch he'd been hearing about so off we went.  Once at the cabbage patch, we got out to take a closer look, and discovered these cabbages are planted in buried five-gallon buckets (I guess the bottoms are totally cut out but I'm not sure).  Maybe the gardener will share his cabbage patch wisdom the next time I stop by the market. :-)


  1. I have never seen anything like this - what a great idea - looks like aliens landed! I do often grow vegetables in pots and raised beds and guess this is a similar idea.

    1. I agree, it does look like aliens landed. I almost ran off the road when I spotted this patch. It's a great idea though ... the heads of cabbage look outstanding. :-)

  2. Looks beautiful, but I wonder - do they mow around the cabbages? They must - and that seems like a lot of trouble. I wonder if he will put tomatoes in the buckets after the cabbages are harvested. Very interesting.

    1. It does look like they must mow. Tomatoes would probably do well in the buckets, and would be a good idea for the next crop. I plan to keep an eye on this garden as well as ask the market owner some questions. I'll keep you posted. :-)

  3. What an unusual idea - it looks amazing. I wouldn't have enough room to do that in my garden sadly.

    1. I agree, it is an unusual idea. I've never seen a garden like this before in my life. I don't have that much room to spare either.

  4. Wow, you have a unique idea. I am usually planting plants in pots.. Great, you gave me this idea..: -)

    artificial lawn

    1. The owner of this garden said he plants okra and sweet potatoes this way too. I hope you'll let me know how it goes when you try this. Thanks for stopping by and happy gardening :-)
