Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Sunday was a blustery, beautiful, spring day;  it was a windswept day.  Let's go back in time for a little trip through Sunday.  
Here we go ...

On our way to the daylily farm ... I'm just going to look.

Along the way ...

Along the way ...

Are we almost there?

Almost there ...

Marjorie, Daylilian Extraordinaire
Here's our friend, Marjorie, daylilian extraordinaire.  Over the past nine years, I've learned an immense amount from this wise lady.  Marjorie's holding one of my purchases (o.k.,  I'm just getting one daylily).  There was quite a scene out at the farm with 26 mile-per-hour wind gusts.  Daylilies were swirling around over the beds like kites out of control.  Flowers were crashing into each other, petals were breaking, etc.  Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if they reminded me of kites or the roller derby.  Mother Nature also had great fun with Marjorie's hat;  tossing it across the garden every few minutes.  We all had a great time.

Terriyaki Shrimp Lunch Box - Kyoto
On to Kyoto for lunch ...

Texas Big Bend (Carpenter)
Not fully opened when I left in the morning,
'Texas Big Bend' was waiting in the garden when I got home.
The bloom is approximately eight inches in diameter.

Firefly Frenzy (Joiner)  O.K., I only got two daylilies.
'Droopy' and 'Tattered'
It was a long, windswept day.


  1. You appear to live in a rather wild and windswept area - coming from London it seems very lonely (we all live right on top of each other - even here in a village in the suburbs).
    The food looks great - just my taste.

    1. Hi Annabelle, Well, we live right on top of each other in our little city too, but it only takes five minutes to reach the location of the first photo in this post. Now, the daylily farm is another story; it's truly out in the country (a 30 minute drive from here). I would be lonely out there for sure. The food was delicious! :-)

  2. 'Texas Big Bend' really lives up to its name and probably is too heavy to be blown away even on that windswept day. Thanks for the nice ride, you uncharacteristically-restrained-in-buying Beth.

    1. Hey Lee, Yep, 'Texas Big Bend' didn't have any idea it was windy on Sunday. Glad you enjoyed the ride. I know! I was uncharacteristically-restrained-in-buying (I like this term). I told Marjorie I was running out of spots, so I'd have to be very selective now. She said she'd remind me of that later when I'm enlarging my beds again. :-)

  3. Lovely choices you made - and your friend looks quite a character.

    1. Thank you Elaine! I look forward to seeing them bloom next year (maybe this year). :-) Yes, Marjorie is a dear lady with lots of interesting stories to tell. I wish the photo had picked up her sparkling blue eyes.

  4. Beth - your blog has made me smile on a wet and miserable evening in England. The daylilies look gorgeous, Marjorie looks marvellous and your photos have reminded me that summer will arrive here... eventually! I will now dream of visiting a daylily farm. What a treat! Thank you.

    1. I'm so glad you visited, and am glad my blog made you smile. That's the best compliment. :-) Thank you for your kind words. I wish the photo had picked up Marjorie's sparkling blue eyes. I've always been amazed with her eyes. Hopefully, summer will arrive for you in a flash. Glad you enjoyed the post, and I hope you'll visit again. I am going to fly over to The Gardening Shoe shortly for a visit.
