Saturday, April 21, 2012

Daylilies are Bloomin' - It's Showtime!

The daylilies are blooming!  This is always so exciting!  When I'm rushing out to the garden to see what's bloomed overnight, I feel like a child on Christmas morning once again.  My husband says I'm high on pollen!

This one was inherited and I'm not sure of the name yet.  If you recognize it, would you please let me know?

Diamond Dusted Border
I've waited two long years to see 'Diamond Dusted Border' bloom and it was well worth the wait.  I really should give it a chance to open before snapping it's photo so early in the morning though. 

Diamond Dusted Border
'Diamond Dusted Border' is true to it's name when fully opened.  This beauty's ruffled edges sparkle as if sprinkled with diamond dust (or is it pixie dust?). :-)  I will try to capture the elusive "dust" in a photo later today with better lighting.

I'm off to the garden.  Hope you're having a great weekend! :-)

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses."
-Hanna Rion


  1. Showtime, indeed, Beth. And, what a show. What a big country, too; my daylilies are barely out of the ground, making yours all the more welcome. Love that name, Inherited.

    1. Thank you Lee. This will work out well for us. When my daylilies are past their peak, it will be showtime for yours. Then, I can enjoy your daylilies from afar. :-)

  2. A great opening day for you!! Can't begin to guess what the first one is, but I do love it! What size is the bloom?
    So thrilling to see daylilies!!

    1. Hi Cindy! Yes, it was exciting around here yesterday. :-) I've been pouring through The New Encyclopedia of Daylilies, and I think the first one is 'Bold Encounter' (Stamile). The bloom is approximately five inches. If you don't have 'Bold Encounter' already, this might be one for your wish list. I always have a running daylily wish list, and have added some from your sidebar photos to it. This could be dangerous ... LOL.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. WOW! Never seen Day Lilies as beaitful as these before. Def' worth getting up early for (well...maybe not too early!) x

    1. Thank you, Jane! :-) My daylily addiction is terrible! I was up this morning looking out the window before daybreak trying to spot new blooms. Insanity!
      Happy Gardening! x

  4. Your Daylilies are just fabulous, thanks for sharing with us. Its usually July before they show themselves in my part of the world, in fact last Summer was so cool very few flowers developed.

    1. Thank you, Alistair. I'm so glad you liked the daylilies. We had a cool snap last night and I really noticed a difference in the daylilies today (partially opened), but we should be back to warmer temperatures in another day or so. I wish you a warm summer this year, so you'll get to see your daylilies.
      All the best! :-)

  5. Beth, your daylilies are lovely. Diamond Dusted Border is now on my must-find list. It's like the edges were crystalized with sugar and such a beautiful color. Thanks for sharing your pics.

    Are you sitting or standing in your header pic? If you're standing, please list those plants. lol

    1. Thank you, Lorraine. I'm so glad you liked the daylilies. It was those sparkling edges that attracted me to 'Diamond Dusted Border.' If you have trouble finding it, I'll send you the contact information for the Daylily Farm I purchased 'Diamond Dusted Border' from. Oh, I am sitting in the header pic. Maybe, one day, I'll have to stand. lol
      All the best! :-)

    2. Thanks Beth,
      I'm in Canada, so I'll try a few places I know of in my neck of the woods first. If I don't have any luck, maybe your source will ship to Canada.
      Talk soon. Have a great week.

      I have huge stands of wild orange daylilies growing along our road front. They are brilliant orange and certainly not as refined as the culivars, but I still like their simplicity. Years ago, I did transplants a bunch of rizomes into my own garden and in some years they do grow to about 4' high, but only in the garden, not in the wild spots. It'll be at least 4 to 6 weeks before I see them in flower. Do you get them in the south?

    3. You're welcome Lorraine. Good luck on your quest.

      We do have wild daylilies in Alabama, but I haven't seen them in our immediate area. I 'll bet your stands of wild orange daylilies are beautiful! I hope you'll post a photo of them sometime. Yes, I like the simple daylilies as well as the "designer" daylilies too.

      Hope you have a great week too. :-)
